Unplug the Copier!

Joyce Rogers stood in her closet contemplating on what to wear to her job interview. She wanted to make a great impression as she presented herself for consideration as a Senior Manager at a prominent and savvy advertising agency. Joyce is very talented and can provide marketing strategies and ideas that have historically made millions of dollars for the companies she has worked for. She was not in doubt about her skills and experience, but she was in doubt about herself as a person.

One of the things about trends is that they change constantly. Through Joyce's career in advertising, Joyce was accustomed to making changes in how she advertised a product or service. She consistantly made changes in her marketing strategies to fit the latest trends. However, she often felt that she herself had to make the same constant changes and adjustments to who she was as a person and to what she wanted to do. Why? In her mind, she felt that she had to constantly change herself in order to feel accepted and likable. Joyce was tormented by the constant barrage of questions in her head, trying to fit into an ever-changing mold of what she thought, would be the way to make her feel happy and accepted. Questions in her head like...should I wear my hair the way she wears her hair? Should I shrink in order to make others feel good about themselves? Should I pretend to like something that I clearly don't like? Should I give them what they want so that they will like me more, even though I don't want to do that? Should I do this...or should I do that? All of the constant Q & A in your brain can clutter the mind. Who you truly are, and what you want to do, can get lost in the polite facade of what we display, in order to fit in with people. It takes a lot of effort and loads of energy to keep up with trying to be something you're not. Just think of how easy it is to just be yourself and let the world accept you or not. 

Now, after all the brain Q & A clutter, it's time to unplug the copier! When we try to fit into molds and we bend and tuck, just to fit it, we are making a copy of someone else. Unplug the copier! Deciding to be yourself and to not care about the acceptance of others is freedom! To not care about the bottomless pit of opinions freely offered by others, is freedom!  Being okay with how you look and feel, even if no one else is cheering you on, is freedom. There is no need for you to copy anybody else or try to fit in. No need to do a daily critique of yourself. No need to keep questioning yourself. You are great as you are. You are an original, you are accepted and you are absolutely fine and amazing just as you are, flaws and all. Go live your life to the fullest! Unplug the copier and enjoy the beauty of who you are. It's okay to be yourself!!  cw.



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